Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 1 Dinner

Post your Day 1 dinner pictures here!

Leigh made a salad with romaine lettuce, red cabbage, broccoli, red pepper, tomatoes, carrots, kalamata olives, and blueberries. We didn't have any tonight, but we made a lot and are going to have some for lunch tomorrow, and either dinner later on tomorrow night or lunch on Wednesday, or both! We have some leftover chicken so Leigh is going to have that in her salad and I'm going to have tuna.

Leigh baked chicken with red and green peppers, onions, and tomatoes. She baked it in apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, pineapple juice, and seasoned with smoked paprika, crushed red pepper, and garlic pepper. Leigh baked it in the oven on 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

So again, very simple. Easy ingredients, nothing crazy. You get full and yet you don't feel disgusting or have trouble moving around haha.

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